There are so many ways to worship. So, why worship in the same style Sunday after Sunday?
Here at Community of Grace, we offer different ways of celebrating God and what God is doing in
our world.
Does it ever seem to you that the arts and religion seem to be fighting with each other? Not a Community
of Grace. On the First Sundays of each month, we infuse various mediums of art (dance, visual, drama) with worship.
If you want to see how God speaks through artists, please join us!
Second and Fourth Sundays
This is our traditional Sunday worship, complete with hymns, prayers and a sermon. Of course, at Community
of Grace, even what is considered "traditional" will be done in new and relevant ways.
Scripture tells us that we are to love God with our hears and our minds. On Third Sundays,
we devote time to Christian Education. We will have Bible Studies as well as forums on topics affecting the community
and how we as Christ's followers can respond.
Fifth Sundays
Grace Fellowships
On the fifth Sunday of a month, we will meet at church for a brief celebration of communion and then go
out together to a local restaurant or church member's home for fun, food and fellowship.
Hey, we are in Minnesota. You've gotta have a hotdish meal sometime!