Moderate Republicans, also called "progressive-conservatives" have played a key role formulating pragmatic public policy
since the 1860s. The origins of this philosophy date even earlier. In the first half of the Twentieth Century
their vision for the nation dominated the GOP. Today, in an age of militant social Conservatism, the Moderate voice
of reason is needed more than ever. This website advances the values, politics, and public policy of Moderates.
Moderate Republicans believe in community, compassion, pragmatism, common sense, political-fellowship,
and, most importantly -- intellectual honesty. This passion is pursued within the broad framework of enlightened Lincolnian
principles. Moderate Republicans stand in a crowded room, with the burning spirit of Lincoln in their hearts -- truth,
fairness, justice, and limited-compassionate government -- when all others sit during difficult times. Moderates are
loyal to serving the greater good -- not an entrenched party leadership. Government, whether limited or expansive, must
serve everyone.
Paul Peter Jesep, Founder of Moderate Republican.com, past National Vice President of the Ripon Society;
and former member of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee.
November, 2004
The Post-Election Edition
Misunderestimating "Jesusland "
By Mark Kittel
And A Democrat can't Lead Them
By Dennis Sanders
ModerateRepublican.com, PO Box 8221, St. Paul, MN 55108.